What do I have to do?
music-job.com helps you to reach the largest number of job applicants quickly and easily – worldwide. You can also place job ads in our magazines at the same time in three easy steps:
1. If you are new to music-job.com, register first.
2. You will receive an instant email confirmation containing your log-in details which enable you to update your account details, change your password and upload a logo free of charge.
3. In order to create a job ad, enter your job offer with all job details and the desired publication (online/magazine) in an online form. You can also upload your own PDF files with additional information.
For online ads only: You can pay the respective fee via PayPal. Your ad will then be published immediately (or on the requested date) for the duration of 30 days and presented as current entry in the list of job offers. Please see our advertisement rates as well as our terms of payment in the > Ad rates.
Alternatively, we can issue an invoice. In such case, we are also ready to upload your data in our system. To do so, please contact us directly after having registered in the system (> Contact). Please note that different rates apply to payments by invoice!
If you wish to place a print ad in one of your magazines, you will find more information here: